어사이드 닫기


People who love Mt.

Seolak keep the promise of Seolak

About. Seolyaksan
'The promise of Seorak, Seolyaksan'

There were youths who were fond of Mt.
Seolak so they climbed up there every week
and they made up their mind to live there when they were older.

"We will always care for Seolak and love it more.
Let's share the good energy of Seolak with more people."

The promise of youths became a promise of Seolak and
we made Seolyaksan in Yongdae-ri under the Baekdamsa Temple located
in Naeseolak(Inner Seolak)

With the spirit of “where there's a will, there's a way”
Seolaksan promises to give you the relaxation and health of Seolak
Ki 氣(the circulating energy) of clear Seolak
Seolyaksan collects not only the herbs which they grow by themselves on the farm ,located in Mt.
Seolak in Gangwon Province, but also the ones from the region.
We produce, manufacture, distribute, and sell various products such as Seolak Great Tea and herbal medicine pills.
Certificate Seolyaksan is a village enterprise designated and certified by the Korean government,
and a farming convergence industry (6th industry).
It is a reliable company certified by the Food Safety Management System [FSSC22000] for safe product production.
Direction to Seolyaksan
41, Baekdam-ro, Buk-myeon, Inje-gun, Gangwon-do, Republic of Korea
Feel new Seolyaksan with all senses SEOlAKSAN



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※ 비밀번호는 6~20자, 영문 대소문자 또는 숫자 특수문자 중 2가지 이상 조합.

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